- No.9. Designing a solution 設計一個解決方案
If your design is too bloated, it finally collapses under its own weight; if poor, it is useless.
- No.8. Writing tests 寫測試
“Writing tests (well it’s not hard, I just don’t like doing it.” Anonymous
無名氏表示: 寫測試還不簡單,只是我就是討厭寫!
- No.7 Writing documentation 寫工作紀錄
“Writing useless documents no one will ever read or use, just because it’s part of the ‘process’.”-Christian Dechery
- No.6. Implementing functionality you disagree with 執行一個你不同意的功能
…you can either choose to go bananas or go for an early retirement.
- No.5. Working with someone elses’ code 使用別人編寫的程式碼
“Living with finding code written by someone who was not nearly as qualified to write it as they should have been….” Nani Tatiana Isobel
- No.4. Dealing with other people 應付其他單位
“It’s much easier to convince the processor to do what I want than some people.” Marko Poutiainen
一個專案要應付客戶、主管、測試員、其他工程師….一下要對不懂資訊工程的人解釋 ,一下要應付其他試圖告訴你怎樣做才對的工程師。我只想趕快把事情解決。
- No.3. Estimating time to complete tasks 預估任務完成時間
“I found estimate is the hardest part because most of people usually think it’s a promise.”Samnang Chhun
- No.2. Explaining what I do (or dont do) 解釋我在做什麼/不做什麼
“Attempting to explain to (just about anyone) that I don’t know how to fix their computer.” Brandon P-Lost
- No.1. Naming things 幫產品/專案/功能命名
“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” Phil Karlton via Martin Folwer/Jatinder Singh
Why my life is so hard ಠ▃ಠ
是否覺得心有戚戚焉? 告訴我們你中了幾點吧!
【About HyperConnezion】
(本文經投稿作者HyperConnezion授權刊登,並同意 TechOrange 編寫導讀與修訂標題,原文標題為〈九件最讓工程師覺得心裡苦、但工程師不說的情境〉。意投稿者可寄至:edit@fusionmedium.com,經編輯檯審核評估合宜性後再行刊登。)