Channel: 工程師 – TechOrange
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(責任編輯:Matthew Chen)


關於這個問題,在 Quora 數則答案中看到一篇很棒的,和大家分享。



  • What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn a higher salary?對程式設計師來說,提高薪水最好的建議是什麼?

 1. Make Computer Science fundamentals very strong , mainly DataStructure & Algorithm.

1. 擁有非常穩健的電腦科學知識基礎,尤其是資料結構演算法

 2. Make a habit of solving atleast 3-4 code snippets/Week , check Leetcode/CareerCup

2. 養成每週練習三至四個程式片段的習慣。請參考 LeetCodeCareerCup

 3. No point of being a master of single technology like Java or Python. Learn several technologies.

3. 執意侷限自己專精單一項目例如 Java 或 Python 的意義不大。請擴充你的工具箱。

 4. I was a java developer for 5 years and then I found functional languages like clojure/Python/Scala and believe me, its worth your time. It will broaden your skill-sets & thinking. And now you are already ahead in the race of Developers and Interviews.

4. 在我擁有五年 Java 開發經驗時,接觸到了像 Clojure、Python、Scala 這類的函數程式語言。相信我,這絕對值得你投資,因為它們不僅能讓你的工具箱更完備,同時也將開拓你的思考視野。能做到這裡,在與眾多開發者爭奪職缺的競賽中,你就已是處於領先的地位。

 5. Heard any new technology, like BigData or Machine Learning. Make sure to understand that and implement a POC. Don’t just read, make sure, you are very much aware of fundamentals. Like you must know the architecture, go through the case studies and BUILD SOMETHING.

5. 持續吸收新知,例如大數據機器學習。與此同時,不要只是閱讀,請確定你真的瞭解基礎觀念並試著做出概念驗證。就像我們當初學軟體架構的時候一樣,腳踏實地、循序漸近,並動手練習

 6. You gotta market yourself. If you are learning from open Source, its your responsibility, to give back something. Make your github account and contribute. This will make your profile very shiny.

6. 你要會行銷自己。如果你正從開源項目中學習知識,那就有責任做出回饋。可以申請一個 GitHub 帳號並貢獻一些東西,這會讓個人檔案閃閃發亮,一舉二得。

 7. Don’t fall in love with any single technology. I saw Desktop based application lost its place and now Mobile is rocking, and I wont be amaze if Virtual Reality takes its place or something. So stop falling in love with any technology. Learn whatever is good in market. Yeah it will be huge but your habit will make you proficient to learn anything new and You will be truly a Quick learner.

7. 不要因為熱愛就侷限自己在單一領域。我看到了桌面應用程式的衰落和行動應用程式的崛起,然而對於虛擬實境將取而代之也不感意外。當然這讓需要學習的知識量變得很大,不過養成習慣即可讓你熟練於學習,也會因此使你對新知的反應更加敏銳。

 8. Attend Hackathons and Technical Meetup. Even you don’t know anything, doesn’t matter. You must build contacts. the more people you know, the probability to end up with better jobs will be more higher.

8. 參加一些黑客松和技術聚會,就算你什麼都不會也沒關係。因為你需要拓展人際關係,人脈愈廣,找到好工作的機率愈高。

 9. If you don’t like your job or Manager don’t react, keep smiling and keep working and look for new job. Never destroy your relationship with people.

9. 不喜歡你的工作或是主管也不要做激烈的抗爭。繼續保持微笑、把事情做好,並騎驢找馬就好了。記住,永遠不要與人結怨。

 10. Read .. Read … Read … CODE IT

10. 大量地閱讀,並且動手練習

(本文經投稿作者張昱珩授權刊登,原文刊登於其部落格,譯文原文於 Medium,並同意 TechOrange 編寫導讀與修訂標題。意投稿者可寄至:edit@fusionmedium.com,經編輯檯審核評估合宜性後再行刊登。圖片來源:pixabay, CC Licensed)


  • 延伸閱讀

史上最狂 pitch:直接現場 coding,讓創投的手機響起來!
為了練習 coding 所做的遊戲,讓他賺了上千萬台幣

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